A Conversation with Music Artist Lisa Lex

Meikhel Philogene
6 min readMar 1, 2022


With her single and music video, “Sirens,” out now, we took some time to hear more from Lisa Lex. Read below to learn more about Lisa Lex, the story behind her single, and what’s to come.

Hi Lisa Lex! Let’s start with how did you get your artist name?

Hey there! It was an accident while registering an account on some website. Instead of writing Lis Alex (my real name), I wrote Lisa Lex. I liked it and decided to use it as a stage name.

What city are you from and where are you based now?

I was born in Seattle, and I’m currently based in Lisbon, Portugal.

At what point in your life did you decide to pursue a career in music? How did you get started?

Since I learned how to speak, I was singing. I kept telling everyone that I would be a singer. Whenever people were coming to my parents house, I used to climb on the table and announce that I will sing now, and everyone needs to listen. I loved performing also at school, and although I hated the institution, when I was on stage, it felt very special to me. I wrote my first song when I was 11, and it was a song about a broken heart. But before, I loved to play with my brother, and improvise any melodies and songs on the go. It was our way of having fun.

Has your upbringing played a role in shaping who you are and defining your sound today? If so, how?

Definitely. The environment that I grew up in never really supported my dream of pursuing a music career and told me my way of seeing the world is incorrect. Because of that, I always felt misunderstood. I felt like I was suffocating. I think that naturally made me search for freedom in my surroundings. I found that feeling in Rock ‘n’ Roll, which was my first love and big inspiration. I loved the rebellion and freedom it represented. It made me feel alive. Although I don’t play Rock ’n’ Roll myself now, this aspect is extremely important to me — while making music, I need maximum freedom. I want to express myself fully, without closing myself in specific genres. I want to travel with sounds. I believe this passion will always show through my music.

How would you describe your sound to readers who may not be familiar with you?

At this moment, I would describe it as a mix of Experimental, Dream Pop, Avant-garde and Trip Hop, with Middle Eastern sound influences.

Do you have any hobbies outside of music? What do you do to stay creative?

I consider myself a spiritual person, and I love anything connected to it — spiritual practices like meditation or full moon rituals are very important to me. I’m also into numerology. I love nature as well, and staying connected to Mother Earth plays an important part of my life.

Who are some of your main musical influences?

There are so many, but I would say my biggest inspirations are Bjork, Sevdaliza, and Black Sabbath.

Who would be a dream to collaborate with?

My dream collaboration would be one with Sevdaliza or Bjork.

What are some of your future music career goals?

In a year, I want to be able to say I played in 5 different cities and released 1 single a month. I collaborated with 5 other artists and released 2 music videos. In 5 years, I want to have 2 albums released and be able to tour nationally twice a year.

Now onto your release, “Sirens.” What inspired this song?

At the time that I created “Sirens,” I was going through a dark moment in my life, and I felt the song was an auto-therapy in a way. I knew that if I want to deal with my emotions in a healthy way, I cannot escape them. I need to face them and feel them in their full spectrum. “Sirens” was inspired by a melodic harp that I heard when exploring sounds. I felt it was very hypnotic and mesmerizing. The lyrics naturally followed right after that. From there, I started to paint the world with sounds — I added a sound of a sinking ship, voice of the “Sirens,” and the sound of sun shining in the ocean. I wanted to create a very dreamy, psychedelic world where a listener could forget about the reality and just sink into this underwater story.

What is “Sirens” about in your own words?

“Sirens” is about diving deep into the subconscious, about the ultimate freedom that comes from healing ourselves. How beautiful would it be to finally break free from our own demons? To feel better, we often push the pain deep into the meanders of the subconscious. We think that way the sorrow will magically disappear. The truth is, it won’t. The only way is to acknowledge it. To look the beast in the eye, face it, feel it. Feel all of it, the wave of suffering, the lava. Only when we let it naturally flow through us, eventually, it will go away. Only then, the pain will loosen the grip it had on us, and we will be able to truly let go.

How did the music video for “Sirens” come about? What was your vision for the video?

When I created the song, I knew right away how I wanted the video to look like. I wanted to invite people to this dreamy, surreal world with mythical creatures — “Sirens.” It was important to me to create a visual that would be in a way an extension of the song. Luckily, Portugal has beautiful natural landscapes, and they were perfect to recreate the vision that I had in my head.

What message do you hope fans take away from your music and from “Sirens?”

I sincerely hope “Sirens” will help people dive deep into themselves. That they will stop for a moment and listen to what their feelings are telling them. I feel this song is deeply connected to healing, and I wish it helps people with that journey.

What’s one of your proudest moments of your music career so far?

I think I feel very fulfilled when people say they resonate with my music. When I hear that it touched their soul, then I feel like I did something that matters. Since I released “Sirens,” I received messages that my story resonates with others, and it warms my heart to know that I am able to connect with others on an emotional level. This is something that brings me the most joy and happiness.

What would you say are the greatest lessons you’ve learned so far?

The biggest lesson that I’ve learned is that no matter how hard you try, some things you can’t change. I tried to mold into the society and be a “normal” person, but that just led me to depression. I understood that it’s okay to be sensitive. I simply love music, and I’ll never stop doing it. It’s not a phase, no matter how disappointing that may sound to others. Love things that make you different, embrace them. Love your talents and use them to make a difference in this world. We all have gifts that we can share with others, and you make a difference when you help others with them.

What’s next for you? Are you working on any upcoming projects that we should be on the lookout for?

Soon, I’m planning to release my next single, and in a few months, an EP. Dates are soon to be announced.

Where can we follow you on social media?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisalexlisa/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lisalexlisa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaLexx

Before you go, let’s ask you something random. What’s your favorite food?

I love Thai cuisine!

Thank you for the great interview, wish you much continued success!



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